What is zxcvbn.min.js in WordPress and how to change loading behavior?

WordPress uses this library to provide feedback on password strength in registration and password reset forms. This approach was inspired by the  password security methodology originally created by Dropbox. It’s a convenient method to assist users in enhancing password strength without imposing strict rules such as “use 8-10 characters, one number, one uppercase letter,” and Read More..

About me

I remember my first experiments with HTML and writing my first “Hello World” in PHP. In fact, the first programming language I studied was Blaise Pascal, and then Python, about which I had no idea would become so popular. After some time, I discovered Joomla! CMS (that’s how it’s written, with the exclamation mark) and Read More..

About WordPress for Pro site

After 7 years of project development experience, I felt the need for self-expression and decided to create this website. Alongside sharing ideas, I wanted to establish a platform for personal growth. Here, I will accumulate valuable information from the internet that I find useful within the context of my blog. Additionally, I will provide ideas Read More..